A vibrant church of all ages, based in Haslemere
What’s onWhat’s on
3 Counties Vineyard is a member of the Vineyard network of churches .
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3 Counties

JOB Vacancies


This Easter we have something for everyone, from all age services, reflections, celebrations and even an Easter Day sunrise walk.

We'd love to share and celebrate the hope of Easter with you.
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Easter day-sunrise walk

Walk to the Gibbets Hill to watch the sun rise before hot cross buns, coffee and hot chocolate and a brief time to worship.

Date: Sunday 31st March
Time: 6:15am
Venue: Meet at Devils Punchbowl main car park

book here

I'm new here

Whether you are exploring faith or new to the area and looking for a church to join, you are so welcome at 3 Counties Vineyard!

There are various ways you can connect with us, find out more below
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Christmas services

There's something for everyone at 3 Counties Vineyard this Christmas- a nativity, family carols and carols by candlelight, reflections and celebrations.   

Join us as we celebrate Christmas together.

Everyone is welcome!

Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, Linchmere Road, GU27 3QW.
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Sunday fun day

Date: Sunday 21st July (this replaces our usual Sunday morning and evening services)
At: 10:15am -1:00pm
Venue: Hammer Hill Recreation Ground, Linchmere Road, GU27 3QZ

This Sunday you will find us at our annual Sunday Funday. Join us for a drama, live music, zorbing, fete style activities, bbq and refreshments-all for free!

All the family are welcome!

Summer services

Join us for our 'all in' summer Sunday services!  

Between 28th July & 25th August we will be looking at the gospel of Mark.  Suitable for all ages and all are welcome!   

Sundays: 10:15 -11:15am
Venue:  3 Counties Vineyard, GU27 3QW

More about our services

Children's holiday club-Wonder zone

3 days of action packed, fun-filled discovery awaits!!  For children ages 5-11years old.  

3 day passes or individual days available.   Further information and tickets below.

Dates: Tuesday 13th, Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th August
At: 1:30-4:00pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, GU27 3QW

Alpha course

Everyone has questions.
Exploring is good. We're built for it.
Explore more about life, faith and meaning at our next evening Alpha course. A meal is included.

Dates: Thursdays starting 26th September
At: 7:15pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, GU27 3QW
Cost: Free

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Remembrance day morning

Join us for refreshments as we journey through time together with music, trivia and sharing stories

Date: Monday 11th November
At: 10am-12midday
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, GU27 3QW

Tearfund-The big quiz night

Join us as one of hundreds of churches hosting a big quiz night to raise vital funds for the work of Tearfund tackling poverty around the globe.

Date: Saturday 16th November
At: 7pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, GU27 3QW
find out more 

Christmas craft workshop

Join us for our festive Christmas craft workshop. 
Enjoy a mulled wine and mince pies while you get creative and fill up on festive cheer!

Date:  Thursday 5th December, 7:30pm
Venue:  3 Counties Vineyard, GU27 3QW
Cost: £15 

Haslemere Fringe Festival service

We're delighted to be joining with other local churches for a Sunday service on Lion Green as part of the Haslemere Fringe Festival.
(free event) 

Date: Sunday 7th July
At: 10:15am
Venue: Lion Green, Haslemere, GU27 1LD

(This will replace our usual services at 10:15am and 7pm.)

Imaging the story

A course to explore arts and spirituality.  Time each week to be creative, reflective and discover.

Date: Tuesdays 7th May-2nd July
Time: 1:30-3:30pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard upstairs, Linchmere Road, GU27 3QW
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The bereavement journey

The Bereavement Journey is a 7 week course run in a small group for anyone who has been bereaved. The group will look at the different aspects of grief and loss in a caring and supportive environment.

Date: Starts Thursday 2nd May
Time: 7:15pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, lounge, Linchmere Road, GU27 3QW

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Springs- an evening for women

An evening for women organised by churches across Haslemere with guest speaker Bridget Callaghan.

Date: Friday 7th March
At: 7:30pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, GU27 3QW
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Explore the core

If you're new or newish to 3 Counties Vineyard, you're welcome to come and join us to find out more about our background, vision and values.

Date: Tuesday 11th June
Time: 8pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, church lounge

join us

New to faith?

Fantastic!  Click here to find a few ideas and resources we thought you might find helpful as you start your journey with Jesus.
New to faith

We're hiring

3 Counties Vineyard has job vacancies, we're looking for a temporary youth leader.  

If you're interested, we'd love to hear from you.
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Tastelife is an 8 week educational and supportive course for anyone aged 14+ who struggles with food.  The course is also suitable for family or friends who are caring for someone with an eating issue.
Starts: Monday 22nd January, 2024
Time: 7:30pm  
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, Linchmere Road, GU27 3QW.
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Evening service

We're excited to announce that our weekly 7pm evening service has started! 

Time: 7pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, Linchmere Road, GU27 3QW
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Family light party

Date: Tuesday 31st October
At: 4pm-5:30pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard

For primary school age children and their families.  Dress up in your lightest, brightest outfit and join us for games, crafts and activities!

tickets here

Parenting teens?

Are you a parent/carer to teens and looking for the opportunity to talk about the day-to-day challenges you face, as well as gain some valuable principles and easy techniques to help you through the parenting journey? Then Parentalk - The Teenage Years, could be for you. This course was created by Care for the Family and runs over 6 sessions.

Wednesdays starting 6th September for 6 weeks.
Time: 8pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, Church lounge
Cost: Free
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Exploring faith?

If you want to explore life, faith and meaning, come and join our next Alpha Course!

Our next course starts on Thursday 2nd February for 9 weeks. 

Time: 7:15pm-9:00pm  
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, Linchmere Road, GU27 3QW.
To book your place find out more below.
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The marriage course

The marriage course is a series of 7 sessions designed for couples who would like to strengthen and invest in their relationship, build strong foundations and communicate well.

Starts: Monday 23rd January 2023
At: 7pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, Linchmere Road, GU27 3QW.
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Children & youth

We are passionate about providing fun and engaging groups for our children and young people, that also enable them to explore faith and encounter Jesus for themselves.

Sunday services

We are a lively, family-friendly church in Haslemere, located on the Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire border.  

We have services every Sunday at 10.15am, which you can also access online.  

You would be really welcome to join us.
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Youth alpha

We're excited to be hosting the new Youth Alpha course. For anyone aged 12-18 to come and ask life's big questions about faith.

Date: Thursdays 
At: 6:45-8:30pm
Venue: Haslemere Methodist Church, Lion Green
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Join us for this Care for the Family course covering essential topics for parents and carers of almost teens and teens.

Date: Wednesday 18th September
At: 8pm.
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, church lounge
Cost: Free
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Drop in coffee mornings

Come and join us for a cuppa and cake, with other optional activities happening too. a warm welcome awaits
Dates:  Mondays 3rd, 17th and 31st March
At: 10am-12midday
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, GU27 3QW

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Children & youth

We are passionate about providing fun and engaging groups for our children and young people, that also enable them to explore faith and encounter Jesus for themselves.

Men's curry night

Friday 1st April, 8pm, Gurka Durbar, GU26 6LD

A great opportunity to get to know others in the church and to bring along friends and neighbours.  
BUY tickets HERE

Playtime Christmas party!

Craft, dancing, fun, snacks, stories, games, balloon making, laughing, playing, talking, singing and celebrating Jesus's birthday!  

For pre-school aged children and their parents or carers.   

Date:  Thursday 16th Dec
Time:  10am - 11:45am
Venue:  3 Counties Vineyard, GU273QW

Cost:  £2:50 per family

It's party time! 

This half term, the 31st October is set to be a whole lot of fun for children and youth this year, with not one, but two light parties!

Click below for details and to sign them up.  Then spread the word and encourage them to invite their friends.
party for school yrs 1-5Party for school yrS 6-8

Family carol service

A Carol service for all the family with familiar songs and carols to explore the wonder of the Christmas story.

Dates: Sunday 22nd December
At: 10:15am
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, GU27 3QW
find out more 

Life skills course

A series of 6 sessions with practical advice and tips to help manage finances.  A course from Christians against poverty.

Date: Monday 13th January
Time: 10am-12pm
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, Linchmere Road, GU27 3QW

find out more 

Carols by candlelight

Join with the choir to sing carols in the gentle glow of candlelight and listen to reflections about Christmas.

Date: Sunday 22nd December
Time: 7pm 
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, GU273QW

All age nativity

Come see all the original characters and hear the Christmas story unfold....

Everyone is welcome!

Date: Sunday 18th December
Time: 10:15am
Venue: 3 Counties Vineyard, Linchmere Road, GU27 3QW.
FIND out more

21 days of prayer & fasting

Join us and other Vineyard churches across the UK as we start 2023 with 21 days of prayer and fasting.   

Vineyard have put together a guide with prayer points for each day.  You can also join with others to pray at our weekly Friday morning zoom prayer meetings.
Download prayer guide

Want to find out more?

Why not join us one Sunday or contact us if you would like more information.
3 Counties Vineyard is a Christian Church
VINEYARD' is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The 'VINEYARD CHURCHES' logo, Vineyard 'grapes' device and 'VINEYARD' with 'grapes' device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.

Registered in England. Company No. 7490294. Charity No 1140214
Copyright © 3 Counties Vineyard 2021
A site by: huckstudio.co.uk