A vibrant church of all ages, based in Haslemere
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Get help

Relational, holistic support to help you live life to the full

Life is not always easy

 If you need help and support with something, you can contact our pastoral links team found on this page and we will seek to connect you to the appropriate support. Alternatively, below are details of services we provide, are involved with, or recommend, that you may find helpful. Feel free to contact them directly if you would prefer.

Practical support

Money advice, Foodbank, Gardening.
Food Bank
To request a Food Bank voucher call 01428 653011 or email hello@3countiesvineyard.church

The Haslemere Food Bank  can assist with free food, personal hygiene, sanitary and domestic cleaning items. Set up by the Haslemere Churches, the Food Bank offers fresh fruit and vegetables as well as some frozen produce. It is designed to help out whilst longer term solutions can be put in place. It operates through a referral system and 3 Counties Vineyard is one of the organisations that can refer people and issue Food Bank vouchers. Please contact us via the above details if you, or someone you know, is in need of this support. Our Money Advice service can also help with longer term solutions.

Once you are given a voucher for a food parcel from the Food Bank, you can come and collect the
parcel during their opening hours on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 10.00am-12.00pm
(excluding Bank Holidays). The Food Bank is located at Haslemere Methodist Church, Lion Green,
Haslemere, Surrey. GU271LD.  If you are unable to pick up from the Food Bank, please inform us
when requesting your voucher and, if appropriate, we will seek to arrange for a pack to be delivered to you.
Money Advice
Are you struggling with your finances? 

The 3 Counties Money Advice team are here to help.

Free, confidential Debt, Benefits & Money Advice.
Call 07766 765041* or email 3cma@frontlinedebtadvice.org.uk

The 3 Counties Money Advice team are fully trained, volunteer advisers from local churches who give impartial advice and assistance on a variety of money related issues. 3 Counties Money Advice operates in Partnership with Frontline Debt Advice UK, who holds a license with the Financial Conduct Authority.

*24 hour message line and we will get back to you ASAP
Email: wave@3countiesvineyard.church if you need help with your garden.

The Wave team is made up of people from local churches, who join together fortnightly on Saturday
mornings to give a helping hand to people in Haslemere who need it. Please email us if you, or
someone you know, is in need of this support and we will see if we can help.

Prayer support

By appointment (Healing Hour) and other opportunities.
By appointment: Healing Hour and prayer requests
Call 01428 653011 or email hello@3countiesvineyard.church to request an appointment.

If you would like individual prayer for healing for any problem, whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual, we have a team who would love to pray with you. The Healing Hour team usually meet to pray with people on Monday Mornings from 10am in our main church building, however alternative times / locations may also be able to be arranged and zoom sessions can be provided upon request.

For any prayer requests please complete this form and we can arrange a time to pray for you in person or on your behalf.
Other opportunities for prayer
There are often opportunities for prayer during or after our services or within our small groups, which you are welcome to come to / get involved with.

Wellbeing support

Including help with mental health, domestic abuse & overcoming addictions.
In need of urgent help?
If you are concerned about your own safety or the safety of a friend then please do something about it. Click here for how to get urgent help.

If you would like just a friendly, understanding person to talk to about how you are feeling / your situation, please contact our pastoral links team and we will seek to get an appropriate person to get in touch with you.

Alternatively, you may find the professional organisations within this section helpful.
Need Counselling?
Crossways Counselling

Call 01428 644333 or via Crossways online form

Crossways Counselling is a professional counselling service for people in Haslemere and the surrounding area, including for people who would otherwise would not be able to afford private counselling sessions. Counselling is offered to all, regardless of background, gender, sexual orientation, religious or ethnic origin, and can offer help to individuals experiencing a variety of difficulties.

Crossways is a registered charity and does not make a fixed charge for counselling sessions. Clients are invited to contribute on a sliding scale of ability to pay - no-one is denied counselling through lack of money. Crossways counsellors are Christians and offer their services voluntarily.
Young Person admitted to A&E due to self-harm or feeling suicidal? 
Emerge Advocacy
Call 07534 331 455* or email info@emergeadvocacy.com

If you are age 10 - 25 and are at the Royal Surrey County Hospital because you have self-harmed, taken an overdose or if you are feeling suicidal then Emerge Advocacy, a registered charity, can support you. Their youth workers can come to the hospital straight away to be with you. You can call them, or ask a nurse to call them on your behalf. Their presence helps reduce anxiety for young people during a very distressing time. They are available when needed most, often late into the night and provide up to three months follow up support post discharge. They also run preventative workshops and signpost to other services where necessary.

*if they are unable to answer, please leave a message and they will get back to you as soon as possible.
Want articles to support your mental health?
Suffering Domestic Abuse?
Your Sanctuary
Call Surrey Domestic Abuse Helpline on 01483 776822

Your Sanctuary provide free, confidential, independent and impartial advice to anyone aged 16 or above affected by domestic abuse living in the boroughs of Guildford & Waverley. Available to anyone that needs it from 9am to 9pm, 7 days a week, it offers listening, support, information and signposting. There is also a confidential Online Chat service available from their website. Your Sanctuary also runs two safe houses for women and children fleeing from domestic abuse, and a specialist male support service available to men across Surrey.
Struggling with an addiction?
Teen Challenge UK.  Call 01664 822 221 or email info@teenchallenge.org.uk

Teen Challenge UK is a registered charity and operates nationally to help people who have developed life controlling problems, especially drug and alcohol addictions, and also to offer preventative help to those who may be in danger of doing so.

You can also anonymously report about drug dealers operating in the local area here.

Sex / Porn: 
The Laurel Centre.  Call 020 7965 7302 or email info@thelaurelcentre.co.uk

The Laurel Centre offer support for those addicted to porn and / or sex, as well as for partners affected.

Eating Disorders: 
Tastelife is a nine-session, weekly group course for sufferers of all types of eating disorder, and those who care for them.  We regularly run these Tastelife courses here at 3 Counties Vineyard.  Our next course starts on the 15th January 2024. You can find out more / book on here.  Alternatively, on their website, Tastelife have a list of all their courses running and their locations, or you can sign up from there to participate in an online course. 

Gaming & Gambling: 
National Centre for behavioural addictions.

National Centre for behavioural addictions is an umbrella centre that houses both the National Problem Gambling Clinic and the National Centre for Gaming Disorders.
Need other local wellbeing help?
If you can’t find what you need at this get help section of our website, or would like further support, please contact our Pastoral Links Team and we will see what we can do to help.

Stage of life support

There are various groups and courses available, either run by us or by organisations we endorse, that you could find useful depending on your life situation.
Want to do life in community?
Join one of our small groups - whatever your age or stage! You’ll find friendship, shared learning and support. There are also groups available for children and young people. If you have pre-school children, come try out our friendly and supportive babies and toddler groups.
 HTB Dating Course is for anyone, from any age group, who is single or in a relationship who wants to explore how to date well.  You can watch the video's and access the exercise handbook from here.
The online HTB Pre-Marriage Course is designed for couples considering marriage and wishing to build a strong and lasting relationship.
The Marriage Course is designed for any married couple wishing to build a strong and lasting relationship.  Each couple's privacy is respected as there is no group discussion and no requirement to disclose anything about their relationship to anyone else.  Whilst based on Christian principles, the course is relevant and helpful for any couple with or without a Christian  faith or church background. 

You and your spouse can either attend our next in person course, where a date night environment and food is provided, or do the course online  in your own time.  

If you need relationship counselling, we recommend Crossways Counselling.
Parentalk Courses  provides parents with the opportunity to talk about the day-to-day challenges they face, as well as looking at valuable principles and easy to apply techniques throughout the parenting journey. They are suitable for parents from all different backgrounds and family structures. There is a course for parents of primary school aged children, and also one for those parenting teenagers. We run these courses on a semi-regular basis and when we do, they are advertised as one of our small group options.   Alternatively, you can stream the video's from here
Parenting a child with additional needs
Care for the Family provide various support for parents of children with additional needs.  If you would like to be put in touch with a trained befriender from Care for the Family, someone who has first-hand experience of parenting a child or children with additional needs, please telephone them on 029 2081 0800 or email mail@cff.org.uk.

Restored Lives is for those who are currently going through a divorce, or those who are already divorced, whether recent or at any time in the past.
The Hunter Centre exists to relieve the needs of all affected by Dementia and related conditions, in Haslemere and the surrounding areas. This is primarily done by operating a day centre providing care for those with Dementia and support for their families and carers.
The Bereavement Journey is a course for anyone who is bereaved, whether recently or dating back several years, although attendance is recommended to be after the first three months of a bereavement to benefit most from the material.  We are running our next bereavement course in 2025.  You can contact us if you would like more information.

The Bereavement Cafe, takes place on 2nd Friday of the month, 10:30am-12noon at St Albans church, Hindhead.

Other support

Schools support
The Wey Team support local primary and secondary schools by providing interactive, creative and engaging opportunities for pupils to understand and explore the Christian faith. This can be through things like assemblies, prayer spaces and lessons. They also provide additional support in the form of lunch clubs and mentoring. For more information, or if you are interested in the team visiting your school, please email tara@3countiesvineyard.church and she will get in touch with you.
Can't find what you need?
Contact our Pastoral Links Team. Note: In an emergency situation the Pastoral Links Team are also ok with being contacted during unsociable hours. If we are unavailable, those who are part of our church family can alternatively contact anyone from the leadership team using their contact details that are on the ChurchSuite database. We want to be here for you, whether you are part of our church family or part of the wider community of Haslemere and the surrounding area.

Pastoral Links Team

3 Counties Vineyard

Lee Lees

07891 729486

Meg Durrant

07812 406637

Pat Pickford

Rowena Wright

07889 046010

3 Counties Vineyard is a Christian Church
VINEYARD' is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The 'VINEYARD CHURCHES' logo, Vineyard 'grapes' device and 'VINEYARD' with 'grapes' device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.

Registered in England. Company No. 7490294. Charity No 1140214
Copyright © 3 Counties Vineyard 2021
A site by: huckstudio.co.uk